In today’s fast-paced competitive world, I do realize that shyness is usually not considered as a very convenient trait to carry. Over many play-dates and general conversations with friends in Bangkok as well as in India, I’ve noticed that moms are more than happy to address their kids as mischievous, obstinate, demanding or even difficult, but shyness does make a deliberate escape from their lips. Being someone who has lived with this trait for the last 30 years of my life, I do feel that most of the fears are unreal and the concerns exaggerated.
Right through my childhood till date, I’ve been a dear daughter to my parents, who always regarded my shyness as just another personality trait, which sometimes evoked laughter, sometimes embarrassment but never really demanded any significant repairs. If you’ll talk to my mom, I’m sure she’ll have dozens of incidents to tell you where I just stood frozen gazing at our green Persian carpet, rather than breaking out into an enthusiastic “Twinkle Twinkle”, which was anxiously being awaited in the company of our distant Punjabi relatives. Or, she’ll tell you how even a friendly gaze from a stranger got me burying my head into her lap, wondering if there was a magic formula that could let me evaporate from the scene of discomfort.
In fact, there’s one incident that always gets talked about in our family forums, when childhood memories are being discussed and laughed upon. I think I was in class III or IV and I had just come back from school. The door bell rang and the keyhole revealed Mrs. Bhatia, Mummy’s reasonably good friend, known for her big appetite and equally strong inquisitiveness. Partly out of shyness, and partly out of complete conviction that both of us had absolutely nothing in common, I decided to take refuge under the bed. Covering my eager-to-giggle mouth with both the hands, I anxiously awaited mom’s creativity to explain my unusual absence from the house. Mom being mom, after an exchange of pleasantries, made up her mind to deceive me and gestured aunty right under the bed. My heart did skip a beat as a double layered arm appeared right next to my shelter, and single-mindedly dragged me out with one of my legs. Embarrassment, deceit and anger – all seemed such relevant emotions at that point in time.
The amusing bit is that even today when I bump into aunty every once in a while, this incident does get a mention in the first few lines of her conversation to me. It usually ends with her mischievously asking me if I’m still found under the bed, followed by a signature hearty Punjabi laugh. Well, the answer to that is no. No, not because it is difficult to hurl a 60 kg body under the bed but because over the years, one does learn all the necessary skills to deal with the uneasy bits of shyness. There is strategically placed wit, ice-breaking laughter, friendly shoulder pats and the very belief that some of the strangers can turn out to be the best of friends that let people like me take the initiative to meet and strike conversations with the strangest of strangers.
And believe me, it has all worked well till now! I remember a few years back when I was still doing my post-grad, I was not the most popular girl on the campus (yes, one charming extrovert girl was) but nonetheless, I was a reasonably liked and respected one. All shy people, for some reason share the same characteristics of grace, self-awareness and sincerity towards others. Ok now, not even for once am I suggesting that our extrovert counterparts lack these, but shy people somehow seem to exhibit them all the time. I don’t even remember how many OB classes did I rightfully miss in order to educate my close friends on their next moves in relationships, just because I was considered good in my understanding of human nature and behavior. A simple fallout of self-awareness, I think! On people sincerity, it would probably be just apt to share that my best friend dates back to my high school – her position remains unaltered irrespective of our frequency of meeting each other or of other interesting people having entered our lives.
The trait has had almost nil effect in my office life as well. I’ve worked with different-natured juniors, colleagues and bosses and there has never really been a problem. Sometimes the pretext of work helped me tackle inconvenient situations and sometimes, my skills acquired over the years made me glide over problems.
But, shyness has never really been a handicap to me – not in my personal life and not in my professional.
So, while at the age of 22 months, it's probably a bit early for me to categorize Mira under the attribute of shyness - she might turn out to be a page 3 celebrity for all I know, but if she ever shows the signs of being what I've become – I’m going to celebrate her shyness just the way my mom did mine.
Or, maybe even more.
The lil one looks awesome - like a lil angel! :)
Having said that, I`d also like to add this. I happen to be outgoing. At least that`s what people say(although I consider myself to be quite a loner!). However, I was never the popular one in school/college - on the contrary infact! Neither do I have friends. Which makes me think,after reading your post - that may be the two arent connected at all. Having friends or being popular pbly just has something to do with one`s social skills. And hence, a shy person may have plenty of great friends. Whereas a bold and outgoing one like me doesnt.Anyway, now I`m totally confused! Great post.Keep writing more often :)
1) You're right. I guess, it is too early to judge, if Mira will be a shy person or not.
2) Sometimes, not having the flair of starting a conversation with a stranger OR doing small-talks with
'rarely-met' people can also be construed as being shy.
My first time here. And i must say this post made for a lovely read.
As for me, i'm everything but shy. I don't have the faintest clue what it feels like to be too shy to speak or any such thing. And i sometimes really wish i had just a little bit of that in me.If nothing else, shy people are so intriguing.
lovely post.. you hid under the bed really.. hehe!! As for shyness.. it is just a personality trait.. not a handicap for sure.. and mira looks like an adorable kid.. I wrote about Cheeky's shyness sometime back.. Peek a boo
Wow....this is a lovely post. I am one of those shy ones and always felt I should be more outgoing. I am very comfortable amongst people I know and like, but become acutely restless among strangers. I do chat and laugh with them but I prefer being left alone :) I am sure your daughter will turn out to be a confident young woman..just like you.
PS: I have emailed the recipe u wanted :)
hey mira, great going! i love your outlook towards mira's shyness and i'm glad that you're not on the opposite end of the spectrum trying to force her to be what she's not. it looks like i may be dealing with a shy child myself and my approach is going to be very similar to yours. i want to help her feel confident instead of nervous and in the spotlight all the time.
getting her out, having her meet people is helping though, isn't it?
You've been tagged :)
Piper - Hey, maybe you're right. My point was just that today's parents seem to be too much bothered about their shy kids. All I'm saying is that let them be what they are, and they'll just turn out well.
Hi unidentified :-) I agree with both your points.
d - it's great to like and respect oneself for what one is - shy or otherwise.
Preethi - I was just in class III ok - it's fine to get under the bed at that age :-)And yes, let me read about Cheeky's shyness too.
Homecooked - yeah, I too get a bit awkward with strangers. So, a big same pinch there:-) And thanks for the wishes for Mira :-). Hey, will pick up the tag in a bit.
Yes Mona - I think with Mira having started school, she has become better with strangers but I'm in no hurry - as I said, I don't mind her getting under the bed :-)
Good post, Mira's Mom. I have always looked on my own shyness as an awkward trait. But you are right, you do learn to negotiate yourself around it, and there are many lovely traits that go with the shyness. People do trust you more, or open up more to you.
i wonder if our parent fretted about such things ever!! right now Cubby is very friendly and all that jazz, who knows how will he grow up??
as long as they grow up to be good and confident human beings, who really cares?!
glad to have discovered your blog! it makes a very sensible and sensitive read!
and mira looks ADORABLE!!
What a wonderful piece of writing! I was shy when young, and my 4-year-old's bidding fair to become the same. I'll definitely look at it a lot more positively because you shared your thoughts!
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