So what do you think really happened? A great holiday or a day-counting return to home?...Well-traveled legs or cold blocked noses?...An extra-obsessed mom or err…an extra-obsessed mom? Well, let’s not jump the gun, instead walk with me through these 11 unpredictable days and 3 wonderful places to discover what actually lay at the end of our journey. Deal? Deal. So, let’s now begin!
Paris, as the headline says was our first stop in the vacation. We arrived at our hotel around noon, having gone through a back-breaking 12 hours journey in the plane. Though Mira dozed off pretty early in the flight, giving Papa and me a good sigh of relief, she did remain restless through the night - her movements restrained by the grip of the seatbelt. As a result, we were all tired and sleepy by the time we reached Paris the next day.
We decided to take our first day easy and ventured out only in the evening. Walking from one street to another, we enjoyed the beautiful boulevards and pedestrian friendly roads of the city. We had our dinner in a sidewalk cafĂ© – clearly one of our best experiences in the city! With cold breeze caressing our faces, it was just lovely to watch people pass by - women dressed in their trendy over-coats and high-heels, kids whizzing by on roller-skates and men going about their business, as usual. Mira almost behaved like an animal set free, running from one end of the street to the other, talking to herself and bumping into people every now and then.
Day 2 was much more eventful – we went for a river cruise, visited the famous Sacre-Coeur Basilica, sat through a fashion show but the Louvre museum was undoubtedly the highlight of the day. Now, this museum runs into 4 huge floors with thousands and thousands of paintings on display. We straight headed towards the Mona Lisa. I mean, THE Mona Lisa. Like any small-town Indian, we first clicked some 10 different photos with the much-talked about lady in question, before we set our prying eyes on her. It was weird – though Mona Lisa is hailed as Leonardo Da Vinci’s best creation ever, I seriously struggled to see what really made it so special.

Day 3 – For first half of the final day, Mira and I were resigned to four walls of our hotel room while Papa was busy cracking some marketing strategies with his colleagues. I finished off all urgent tasks in Papa’s absence – cooked Mira’s khichdi in my mini rice cooker, packed all the essential stuff for the travel the next day and kept my 19 month amused till she got tired and fell off to sleep.
The evening was reserved for visiting the Eiffel Tower - one of the most celebrated monuments in the world. Big and beautiful, Eiffel Tower is strategically located beside the Seine river and is led by huge green lawns, with rows of trees on either sides. The Tower at any point in time looks great but the night shot was clearly the best with the entire structure being lit up with tiny lights. And here’s a picture to prove the fact!
And with that we bid goodbye to the romantic city of Paris and set our sights on the beautiful town of Carnac.
More details in the upcoming post.
More details in the upcoming post.
oh, i would spend all my days the way you spent your first one when i visit my dream city, prague. walk around the streets, watch people, eat street food, just be.
waiting on carnac stories.
Hey you just got back my sweet memories asociated with the city of love - Paris.I was there for a month......way before Jelly came into our live's and believe me,I explored every nook and corner of the town.SM was there on work and I was having a blast through the day. On weekends I would be his guide through the lanes and bylanes :D
Waiting for Carnac ..........
Looks like a good trip so far! Waiting for more pics and updates!
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